Colonel Muammar Gaddafi | Arab Leader | With Nasser, King Hussein & Nimeiry | Early 1970s

Описание к видео Colonel Muammar Gaddafi | Arab Leader | With Nasser, King Hussein & Nimeiry | Early 1970s

September 1969-July 1971.

Footage of Libyan Head of State Colonel Muammar Gaddafi with fellow Arab leaders during the first two years of his rule.

He had come to power on September 1st 1969 following the overthrow of King Idris in a bloodless coup. He is seen with President Gamal Nasser of Egypt, King Hussein of Jordan and Colonel Jaafar Nimeiry of Sudan.

It was at the instigation of Gaddafi that an Arab "Federation" involving Libya, Egypt and Syria was formed.

Source of Footage: Reuters News Archive.

Music: "Tammam Sidi" - A Marching Song of the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.

Muammar Mohammed Abu Minyar Gaddafi (1942–2011)


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