CROCODILE DESTROYS AN ENTIRE CITY!! || One Piece Episode 107-108 Reaction

Описание к видео CROCODILE DESTROYS AN ENTIRE CITY!! || One Piece Episode 107-108 Reaction

This One Piece reaction CROCODILE DESTROYS AN ENTIRE CITY! Crocodile sent Baroque works to destroy an entire city, using King Kobra's face with Bon Clay! Their goal is to solidify the rebellion's motive, so they shot Koza, destroyed an entire city, and burned and beat people, ALL USING KOBRA'S FACE! The citizens are now convinced, and the rebellion resolve is strong.. ALSO MR. PRINCE IS GOING TO SAVE THE DAY!

🈷️BECOME A SWOLE MEMBER TO GET EARLY ACCESS! (One Piece, Haikyu, Boruto, Avatar)
   / @heisuten  

🔴TWITCH!   / heisuten  

😉SECOND/ANIME CHANNEL!    / @heiwire  

💪I am the Swolekage of the village hidden in the GAINS. I command you to join the Swole Body GANG! ᕙ( • ‿ • )ᕗ

Thank you guys for watching!

🎵Music In the video!
intro made by:    • Heisuten One Piece Intro  
Intro song:    • One Piece "Overtaken Strengh" No Copy...  
Outro Song:    • (FREE FOR PROFIT) - LOFI x ANIME TYPE...  

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💪One Piece Reaction Series Playlist!    • MY FIRST TIME WATCHING ONE PIECE! || ...  

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