SimonOxfPhys plays Kerbal Space Program #3: Solid rocket boosters!

Описание к видео SimonOxfPhys plays Kerbal Space Program #3: Solid rocket boosters!

The adventures of the YouTube space program continue! Jordan McGonagall takes the pilot's seat and we test out some new technology. Things go a bit wrong next time, as you might be able to tell from the preview...
As I said last time - please send in your ship names and your flag designs for the YouTube Space Program (YSP), as we need to plant something on the Mün!

Previous:    • SimonOxfPhys plays Kerbal Space Progr...  
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I am Simon, a first year PhD candidate at the University of Exeter. I upload videos on bits of science which are relevant to what I do, and sometimes just because they're really cool.

Vlogs from Oxford students -    / oxvlog  
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