Secrets of Stellar Blade: Eve's Lethal Arsenal Revealed

Описание к видео Secrets of Stellar Blade: Eve's Lethal Arsenal Revealed

2 of Eve's weapons, in the upcoming video game for Playstation 5, Stellar Blade, are her epic blade and arm cannon. This analysis shows us just how awesome these weapons will be and reveals a lot about the creativity behind how the development team designed them to be used. I was blown away by the unique way that Eve summons both the blade and the arm cannon to use during combat. It's like the developers at Shift Up are keeping this secret, but by looking at this analysis, you'll see this cool secret revealed. I'll also talk about the many other attacks and moves that Eve will be able to do while in combat. Specifically, these two weapons will give us diversity in combat and I'll let you know just how amazing these weapons are going to be. It was really fun to break the weapons down.

So take a look at this fun video and let me know what you think about these cool looking weapons that Eve will have to use at her disposal. Perhaps even tell me which one you are looking forward to using more, or something new you learned from watching this video. Keep gaming, and be happy.


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