تعلم اللغة الانجليزية من خلال النصوص المترجمة || Learn English : Listening and Reading Practice 57

Описание к видео تعلم اللغة الانجليزية من خلال النصوص المترجمة || Learn English : Listening and Reading Practice 57

Hello everyone! 🌟

Thank you for watching today's video. Learning English can be challenging, but it's also incredibly rewarding. Here are a few tips to help you on your journey:

Practice Regularly: Consistency is key. Try to practice a little every day, even if it's just for 10 minutes.
Use Multiple Resources: Use apps, watch videos, read books, and listen to podcasts in English. The more you expose yourself to the language, the faster you'll learn.
Engage with Native Speakers: If possible, practice speaking with native English speakers. This can help you improve your pronunciation and conversational skills.
Join Online Communities: There are many online communities where you can practice English with other learners. It's a great way to stay motivated and make new friends.
Set Clear Goals: Whether it's learning a certain number of new words each week or being able to hold a conversation, having clear goals will help keep you on track.
I encourage you to take what you've learned today and apply it. Remember, every small step brings you closer to your goal. Don't get discouraged by setbacks – they're a natural part of the learning process.

Incentive: To keep you motivated, I have a challenge for you! Share your progress and any questions you have in the comments below. I'll be selecting a few of you to receive a special shoutout in my next video and some exclusive learning resources to help you on your English learning journey!

Thank you for being part of this community. Together, we can achieve great things. Keep practicing, stay motivated, and remember that learning a new language opens up a world of opportunities.

Until next time, happy learning! 📚✨



Overthinking is a common issue that affects many people. It involves constantly thinking about a problem or situation to the point where it becomes overwhelming. This habit can lead to stress, anxiety, and difficulty making decisions.

Overthinking often stems from a fear of making mistakes or a need for control. People who overthink may replay past events in their minds or worry excessively about the future. This constant rumination can lead to mental exhaustion and prevent individuals from enjoying the present moment. It can also hinder productivity and impact relationships.

To combat overthinking, it's important to practice mindfulness and focus on the present. Techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, and positive self-talk can help calm the mind.


1. Overthinking - التفكير المفرط
2. Common - شائع
3. Issue - مشكلة
4. To affect - تؤثر
5. Many people - العديد من الأشخاص
6. To involve - يتضمن
7. Constantly - باستمرار
8. Thinking about - في التفكير
9. Problem - مشكلة
10. Situation - موقف
11. To the point where- إلى درجة حيث
12. To become- يصبح
13. Overwhelming - ساحق
14. Habit - عادة
15. To lead to - تؤدي إلى
16. Stress - التوتر
17. Anxiety - القلق
18. Difficulty - صعوبة
19. Making decisions - اتخاذ القرارات
20. Often- غالبًا
21. To stem from - ينشأ من
22. Fear - الخوف
23. Making mistakes - ارتكاب الأخطاء
24. Need - الحاجة
25. Control - السيطرة
26. To replay - يكرر
27. Past events - الأحداث الماضية
28. Mind - ذهن
29. To worry - يقلق
30. Excessively - بشكل مفرط
31. Future - المستقبل
32. Constant - مستمرة
33. Rumination - التفكير المفرط
34. Mental exhaustion - الإرهاق العقلي
35. To prevent from - تمنع من
36. Individuals - الأفراد
37. Enjoying - الاستمتاع
38. Present moment - اللحظة الحالية
39. To hinder - تعوق
40. Also - أيضًا
41. Productivity - الإنتاجية
42. To impact - تؤثر على
43. Relationships - العلاقات
44. To combat - يكافح
45. Important - مهم
46. To practice - يمارس
47. Mindfulness - اليقظة الذهنية
48. To focus on - يركز على
49. Present - الحاضر
50. Techniques - تقنيات
51. Such as - مثل
52. Meditation - التأمل
53. Deep breathing - التنفس العميق
54. Positive self-talk - التحدث الإيجابي مع النفس
55. To calm - يهدئ
56. To help - يساعد
57. Mind - الذهن


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