Rat & Cat All Challenges COMPLETE - FNaC 3 CN

Описание к видео Rat & Cat All Challenges COMPLETE - FNaC 3 CN


Yup this was a much shorter journey than PMAC but still pretty tough. Had a pretty dumb death once at 5 but now it's done (nothing like a 15s fluke).

Suicide mouse is next if I don't get distracted but I shouldn't so hopefully I get that done too.

Thumbnail made by ‪@CzarIsActual14‬! Thank you!

Edit: same with pmac this was done on an older version where lp (laser pointer) was harder, fnac 3 cn recently got updated that nerfed lp to be just a visual change, so technically this completion is on a harder version (unless the completion on a newer version had og lp toggled).


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