Green Revolution in India (Explained) | Indian Economy for UPSC Prelims & Mains 2022 - 2023 | BYJU'S

Описание к видео Green Revolution in India (Explained) | Indian Economy for UPSC Prelims & Mains 2022 - 2023 | BYJU'S

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In this online Session, you will learn about Green Revolution, a key topic in the Indian Economy.

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In this Session, you will understand:
1. Introduction (00:00)
2. Definition of Green Revolution (New Agricultural Technology) (04:42)
3. High Yielding Variety (HYV) Seeds (05:54)
4. International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) (08:32)
5. What was the reason behind Green Revolution? (09:14)
6. IAAP - Intensive Agricultural Area Program (17:24)
7. Intensive Agriculture District Programme (IADP) (18:20)
8. Agricultural Prices Commission (19:40)
9. Benefits of Green Revolution (Advantages of Green Revolution) (21:30)
10. Problems of Green Revolution (Negative Impacts of Green Revolution) (26:24)

The term Green Revolution was first used by William Gaud. The father of India's Green Revolution is M.S. Swaminathan.

This is an important UPSC 2023 preparation topic.
You will get to know about various schemes under Green Revolution in India and how Green revolution has impacted the agricultural production in India.

India's agricultural production has expanded dramatically as a result of the Green Revolution. The significant change due to the Green Revolution happened when agriculture in our country transformed with the adoption of modern methods and techniques like the use of high yielding variety seeds, tractors, irrigation facilities, pesticides, and fertilizers.

Towards the end of the Session, you can discuss a few important questions related to Green Revolution topic. So, get ready to clarify all your doubts and master the topic of Green Revolution.

This online Session will definitely help you enhance your answer writing skills for your upcoming UPSC 2023 exams.

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