An update on SymbiFlow - a multiplatform FPGA project - Tim Ansell - ORConf 2018

Описание к видео An update on SymbiFlow - a multiplatform FPGA project - Tim Ansell - ORConf 2018

SymbiFlow aims to be the "gcc of FPGAs", a fully open source project which supports multiple FPGAs from many different manufactures. It is currently targeting the Lattice iCE40, Lattice ECP5 and Xilinx 7 series FPGAs.

This presentation will give you an update on the current status of the project. What currently works, the future roadmap and how you can help with the project.
Presenter: Tim 'mithro' Ansell

Tim is the founder of TimVideos and is currently heavily involved with the development of the SymbiFlow project.

Talk recorded at ORConf 2018, the Open Source Digital Design conference, held in Gdansk, Poland and organized by the FOSSi Foundation.


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