Sri Lanka Military Band performs at Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival in Russia

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The Sri Lankan Military Band making its debut at the 'Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival 2018' held in Moscow, Russia recently has been ranked fourth in the competition. The 50 member combined tri forces band was one of the favourites at the festival. The popular Spasskaya Tower festival was held from 24 August to 02 September in the Russian capital.

More than 40 military bands from 11 countries, including Finland, Italy, Israel, Myanmar, Monaco Mexico, the Netherlands, Oman, the United Kingdom and the host nation, Russia performed at the festival.

During the festival, the debutante Sri Lankan Military Band was also invited to perform at public venues in Moscow including the Yaroslavskiy Railway Station on Saturday (01 September). Its popular traditional local and international hit renditions and the performance of lines from Katyusha, a Russian folk song were very well received by the large audience.

Making their maiden appearance in the Red Square during the festival, the local band managed to finish fourth just behind the Monaco and United Kingdom bands. The Crescendo Bicycle Show Band of the Netherlands was voted as the best band.


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