Описание к видео How PATHAO Destroyed TOOTLE

Introduced in 2016, Tootle is the first ride-sharing service in the Nepali market. It was crowned as The Most Promising Startup of 2017. The riders were earning upto 1 lakh per month. But with the commencement of Pathao in Nepal, founder Sixit Bhatta couldn't compete with pathao. And it failed.
Did Pathao break Tootle's promising future? OR What went wrong with Tootle? Lets find out.

0:00 - Intro
0:24 - How Sixit Started Tootle?
2:28 - The Rise of Tootle
2:57 - How much people earn from Ride sharing?
3:40 - Pathao enters the chat
3:51 - How Asheem Man Singh Basnyat started pathao in Nepal?
5:25 - Tootle vs Pathao
6:00 - Pathao's marketing strategy
7:21 - Tootle's role in changing Kathmandu
8:20 - Conclusion

Presented By Sudip Bhai Subedi
Connect with us in facebook-
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Edited by: Sunil Poudel (  / sunil.poudel.1272010  )
Thumbnail by: Biraj Poudel (  / birajpoudel64  )
Subtitles by: Aditya Adhikari

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-The Rise And Fall Of Tootle

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#pathao #tootle #startup #casestudy #nepal
#IndepthStory #sudipbhaisubedi

Audio used:
Metaphysik by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.



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