12 Amazing Health Benefits of Bitter Kola You Need to Know

Описание к видео 12 Amazing Health Benefits of Bitter Kola You Need to Know

Over the recent years, a good number of previously unknown superfoods have cropped up and taken the health and wellness industry by a storm. We’ve had sweet potato, quinoa, chia seeds, avocado, goji berries… but it’s time for them to move aside, because there’s a new name in town: bitter kola.
“Bitter what now?” we hear you say. If you haven’t heard of bitter kola before, that’s hardly surprising – you won’t often find this food product stocked to the max in your local supermarket. You might have tried it before, though, as it’s mostly used to flavour sodas. Don’t let this deceive you into believing that it isn’t healthy – on its own, it certainly is.
Bitter kola is a nut that can be used as a supplement for improving health and energy levels. It’s found in the evergreen kola tree, which you’ll mostly see in the African rainforests. In its region, it has long been used for health and medicinal purposes, and is even seen as an important cultural symbol. There are plenty of reasons why the kola nut is so widely celebrated, and in this video, we’re going to cover them all.
No1 Aids digestion
Digestive issues, such as bloating, abdominal pain and constipation, can be a nightmare to deal with, and often, it’s best to treat the problem naturally. Bitter kola in particular is an effective natural remedy for a number of digestion troubles. This is because it promotes the production of gastric acid, which increases the effectiveness of digestive enzyme in the stomach. This helps the body to break food down more thoroughly, assisting in healthy and speedy digestion.
No2 Increases circulation
Oxygenation, or the delivering of oxygen around the body, is vital for the proper functioning of our extremities, internal organs, skin, and brain. Adding bitter kola to your diet has been shown to improve oxygenation by increasing circulation of blood around the body. This increase in circulation can lower your risk of heart disease, as well as improve brain functioning and keep your skin healthy and young-looking for a longer period of time. Oxygenation helps cells to repair themselves, enabling wounds to heal faster and improving concentration, which is why consuming kola nuts can have such a bit impact on our overall health.
No 3Boosts metabolism
Kola nuts are a good source of caffeine, which, when consumed in moderation, has the ability to raise your metabolism by about 10 percent, helping you to burn energy and calories at a faster rate. Caffeine is useful for giving you that hit of energy right when you need it, by stimulating the heart to pump more blood. Bitter kola has been found to be particularly useful to people with a low metabolism, who can take the nut to improve metabolism – improving their overall heart health in the long run.
No4 Prevents harmful bacteria growth
Unfortunately, research into bitter kola’s antibacterial benefits is fairly limited at the moment. However, one study does suggest that using the kola nut might stop the growth of harmful bacteria in the body. The nut was found to inhibit the growth of a number of bacteria, indicating that it displays promising chemotherapeutic and antibacterial potential. We’re sure we’ll hear more about this in the near future.
No5 Decreases the risk of prostate cancer
One of the most interesting studies into bitter kola has discovered that the nut may decrease the risk of prostate cancer. It’s thought that phytoestrogens, certain compounds found inside the nut, may actually be able to kill cancer cells, preventing them from multiplying to form tumours in the prostate. We definitely need to research more into how bitter kola may prevent the disease, but what we know so far is promising.
No6 Aids in weight loss
There are two ways that adding bitter kola to your diet might help you to achieve your weight loss goals. One is that the kola nut contains a good helping of caffeine, which, when consumed in moderation, has been found to supress appetite and that help you feel fuller for a longer period of time. If you’re a frequent daytime snacker, adding bitter kola to your breakfast or lunch might help you curb the cravings. Aside from supressing appetite, bitter kola possesses a number of fat-burning properties that are linked to its ability to speed up metabolism. Including bitter kola in your daily diet, along with a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise, should help you to burn calories faster, and lose weight at an increased rate.


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