Money Paddle Magic Trick Revealed

Описание к видео Money Paddle Magic Trick Revealed

The basic effect is this:
Show a small paddle with a striped optical illusion design.
With a shake, there appears to be a coin-shaped shadow forming in the middle of the paddle.
Suddenly, the shadow becomes a a REAL QUARTER sitting on the paddle!
Shake it again, the quarter disappears!

But that's just the beginning!
Depending on your skill, you can dump the quarter out into your hand, and appear to produce quarter after quarter from the paddle.
Or you can use TWO paddles and make the coin jump from one paddle to another, disappear from both paddles, then have quarters appear on BOTH paddles.
Use your imagination- you can do so much with this simple paddle trick.
And best of all, it can be repeated immediately, with no fussing or preparation!

The Mirage Coin is done using the Paddle Move, an easy skill that is explained in the instructions.
It does require a bit of practice to make it look convincing.
It's worth the effort to learn, though, as there are many tricks that also work using this move


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