Radio waves: Sending a signal between two dipole antennas

Описание к видео Radio waves: Sending a signal between two dipole antennas

A transmitting antenna, consisting of two aluminium bars, is connected to a waveform generator, which supplies the antenna with an alternating current. Due to that, particles within the bars start to oscillate. Changing electric and magnetic fields are generated, detach from the antenna, and spread. These radio waves impinge on the receiving antenna and get displayed on the oscilloscope.

This is an experiment from the first-semester lecture "Electricity and Magnetism" given by Christian Bettstetter in the bachelor program "Informationstechnik" at the University of Klagenfurt, Austria.
Link to the lecture:
Video made by Judith Wieser and Arke Vogell.
Text by Judith Wieser.
(c) 2021 Universität Klagenfurt


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