More free ET-8550/L8180 icc profiles. Papers required for testing. Ask your supplier to send some?

Описание к видео More free ET-8550/L8180 icc profiles. Papers required for testing. Ask your supplier to send some?

Whilst I've many icc printer profiles for different papers listed in my ET-8550 review, there are many good quality papers, common in other countries, which you simply don't get in the UK. The ET-8550 is sold as the L8180 in some regions

So, for suppliers, and if you can convince your paper supplier to send them to the UK, I'm looking to make profiles for people to use for papers I never get to see. I'll need A3+ and A4 paper - email me to discuss it?

Profiles will be added to the set I make available for people to use for the ET-8550, 8500 and other related models around the world.

See the current set in the review at

For suppliers wanting to distribute any profiles themselves - please contact me about licensing
Better quality papers may be featured in future videos.

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