CLT Lobbying | Why is the CLT Network asking you to lobby for funding and policy reforms?

Описание к видео CLT Lobbying | Why is the CLT Network asking you to lobby for funding and policy reforms?

In this video our CEO, Tom Chance, explains why lobbying matters for CLTs.

As a network we've secured real wins through coordinated letter and email writing to our MPs across England and Wales. This Autumn, as our new Labour government gets ready to announce the Autumn statement, we are inviting CLTs and CLT allies to write to your local MP(s), on behalf of your CLT, asking them to lobby ministers on your behalf.

The new government has been quick off the blocks with a planning consultation, new legislation on planning, leasehold and devolution. We are now in a crucial time to influence how the government can support CLTs to contribute to the UK’s affordable housing targets, building community wealth and sustainability goals.

Find out more and get our lobby letter templates here:


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