Appendixes 1-4 from A.W Pink's "The Sovereignty Of God" Book

Описание к видео Appendixes 1-4 from A.W Pink's "The Sovereignty Of God" Book

Appendixes 1-4: (The Will Of God, The Case Of Adam, Meaning of Kosmos in John 3:16, 1 John 2:2) can be read here while listening---

"However men may quibble and wrest the Scriptures, one thing is certain: The Atonement is no failure. God will not allow that precious and costly sacrifice to fail in accomplishing, completely, that which it was designed to effect. Not a drop of that holy blood was shed in vain. In the last great Day there shall stand forth no disappointed and defeated Saviour, but One who "shall see of the travail of His soul and be satisfied" (Isa. 53:11 ). These are not our words, but the infallible assertion of Him who declares, "My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure" (lsa. 64:10). Upon this impregnable rock we take our stand.

Let others rest on the sands of human speculation and twentieth-century theorising if they wish. That is their business. But to God they will yet have to render an account. For our part we had rather be railed at as a narrow- minded, out-of-date, hyper-Calvinist, than be found repudiating God's truth by reducing the Divinely-efficacious atonement to a mere fiction." END QUOTE A.W Pink


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