USA - Visit British PM John Major

Описание к видео USA - Visit British PM John Major

(10 Apr 1995) T/I 10:30:09

DATE: 4 APRIL 1995

American VIP schedule for British leader

UK Prime Minister John Major on Tuesday (4/4) kept up a busy American schedule which reached its climax at a meeting with President Bill Clinton. Major met early in the day with vice-president Al Gore, then went to Capitol Hill for sessions with Republican House of Representatives Speaker Newt Gingrich and members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. This was followed by a working lunch with Clinton at the White House - a meeting earmarked by the media as a bid to repair damaged transatlantic links. High on their agenda were Northern Ireland and Bosnia. Major's earlier talks with Gingrich showed him to be far closer in spirit to the Republican majority in Congress than to the Democratic president, but the British leader refused to be drawn on whether his relations with Gingrich were warmer than with Clinton, saying only that Britain had enjoyed a long, close
relationship with the United States, with successive administrations and with Congress.


(WASHINGTON, 4/4) Exterior Capitol Hill. Vice-President Al
Gore and Prime Minister John Major posing for photo opportunity.
WS Capitol Hill. Newt Gingrich and John Major seated on sofa.
Major SOT: "We have had a very long and close relationship with
the US. We have the same opinion (on many issues)." Gingrich SOT:
"For me as the new Speaker, it is a special thrill to have the
Prime Minister here." Major with members of Senate Foreign
Relations Committee seated at table. CU Major, PAN to Senator
Jesse Helms, Republican from North Carolina and chairman of the
committee. Major's limousine arrives at White House. Photocall
with Bill Clinton and Major at White House.

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