Forza Horizon 5 Im The King Of The World Daily Challenge Reach the Highest point in Mexico

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Forza Horizon 5 Im The King Of The World Daily Challenge Reach the Highest point in Mexico

#dailychallenge #dailychallenges #imthekingoftheworld #highestpoint
#forzahorizon5 #fh5 #dungg

Im play Forza Horizon 5 on my PC and Record videos with OBS Studio.
My PC Configuration:
CPU: Intel i7 11700k
VGA: Aorus RTX 3070 - Upgrade 2024: MSI RTX 3080ti Suprim X
RAM: x2 G skill Trident RGB 16GB
SSD: 256 GB
Gamepad: Xbox One S Controller
Steering Wheel: Logitech G923
Webcam: Sony A6300
Xbox: DungG94

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