2022 Sexton Firebird Review

Описание к видео 2022 Sexton Firebird Review

2022 Sexton Firebird - Throwing Sexton Firebirds - Forehand Firebird Throw Sexton Firebird Comparison

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🥏 I am a teacher by trade, but I LOVE disc golf and want you to love it too!

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🎥 I make FREE DISC GOLF VIDEOS for YOU! I have been playing for nearly a decade and have made lot of mistakes along the way which has brought about a lot of IMPROVEMENT! I want to share this knowledge with you! I am about 930 Rated right now (February 2022) and want to bring you along for the ride as I get better and better!

🔻⛓️ Check out my PLAYLISTS below ⛓️🔻

🥏 Shot of the Day - Shorts:    • Shot of the Day - Disc Golf  

🥏 Disc Review Playlist:    • Disc Reviews  

🥏 HOW TO Playlist:    • HOW TO - DISC GOLF  

🥏 Full Rounds Playlist:    • Practice Rounds  

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#Firebird #DiscGolfTeacher #Sexton #SextonFirebird #NateSexton #GlowFirebird #ColorGlow #PaulMcBeth #InnovaFirebird #Innova


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