George Ryals ATA Seminar 2023

Описание к видео George Ryals ATA Seminar 2023
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Email [email protected] to book a weekend workshop


1. What are stabilizers for?
2. Importance of shot setup.
3. High school tuxedo syndrome
4. Pain from shooting signals Form issue. Archery shouldn’t hurt

Evaluating where you are.

1. Coaching Cues and How to tell students what it feels like
2. Take the weight off your bars. Leave the bar on, but remove the weight.
3. Shows raw uncorrected movement. Makes it easier to make form corrections by getting clear feedback.
4. When you have the form perfect you can shoot your best scores without weight on the bars.
5. Kids in a growth state, check in with the form once a month.
6. Shooting without weight shows you the effect of form relaxation and the immediate changes to stability as you make form corrections.

Training New skills
1. Standing on balance disks
2. Changing muscle consistency
3. Legs and even toes make a difference in stability when activated
4. Setting torso positions and finding your stability
5. The grip trick

14:40 - What are those things they are standing on?
Using balance discs to train balance and body proprioception. A great hack for helping non athletic people

Metering muscle tension in the form to create stability
1. Forearms
2. Bow Elbow
3. Legs
4. Toes

Form mistakes

1. Front shoulder controls bubble. Don’t fix it with weight. Fix it with form changes in the shoulder
2. How to get the shoulder down. Magic trick #2
3. How to train and fix pesky issues with your shoulder and bubble.
4. Sight stuck to the bottom
5. Setting up for angles or shooting a vertical target.
6. Settling shoulders to be sure the elbow is behind the loop.
7. Coaches - what to watch to know what your athlete is struggling with.
8. Using pressure to create stability

Catching early signs of shot execution issues and what to do about it.

Issues with followthrough and what it does to your groups.

Walking the weight back on. How to get it right.

Using draw length to maximize stability or a little edge while scoring different games.

24:16 - when shooting in the wind, how much pressure on the grip do you use. Is it a 1 or a 10?

Products mentioned.
SteadyAim -
Last Chance Archery -


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