Ashford e-ball winder video demo

Описание к видео Ashford e-ball winder video demo
So I grabbed a clamp that I use for other things and popped it on the edge of the table and run the yarn under a gap in the clamp. This worked beautifully and I could adjust it easily to make sure the angle was ok, I also had plenty of room to hold a little tension on the yarn on the left hand side of the clamp so it wound on nicely and to take some of the flip flop out of the yarn as it comes off the swift.

My thought on the Ashford E-Ball Winder
Cake winding
It winds a really nice cake but can be a little temperamental with some yarns in particular the sock yarns I tried. This may be due to them being Superwash and a little more slippery than pure wool.

If your yarn is a little on the slippery side, go slower and dont try to rush things. This little winder will do the job very well if you take your time.

Winding Speed
I know a slower wind on speed will give far better results but this seems to be a slower winder. It is still a very good electric cake winder, just not as speedy as I thought it would be.

Overall, I am very happy with my little Ashford e-winder and highly recommend it.

While it wont save me much time when winding cakes for my lovely customers, it will save my back and shoulders from a Lot of hand cranking on those little manual plastic ones.

I purchased my Ashford e-ball Winder from The Thread Collective in Brisbane and highly recommend them and this little electric winder.

Ashford e-ball winder


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