Stick Fight: The Game | Invincibility Glitch Due To Lag

Описание к видео Stick Fight: The Game | Invincibility Glitch Due To Lag

As you watch the video you will find OTHER players are lagging, probably due to some bad internet. This is an issue commonly found in games that go on for hours as you can see I have gotten quite the amount of wins.

For some unhelpful explanation this glitch usually happens after players leave after awhile of playing, and NEW ones take their place. The red player that just joined is taking the place of a player that was previously playing with me and because he was lagging could not aim properly at my correct location. Lag with other players usually result in THEM having invincibility for some random reason, especially if they show signs of inability to aim. Somehow though this invincibility transferred to me as they lagged. This glitch will happen if other players are lagging and have taken previous player places and thus will give you invincibility for no reason at all, especially if a lagging player leaves while they continue to lag.


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