A side of Capitol Reef National Park that you probably didn't know existed

Описание к видео A side of Capitol Reef National Park that you probably didn't know existed

A side of Capitol Reef National Park that you probably didn't know existed (and areas close by - where you CAN fly a drone)

Update: OK, so there are a lot of people super excited to call me out for flying a drone in a national park. I did not fly the drone in Capitol Reef. I flew it in the adjacent BLM land (where it's totally legal). The Temple of the Sun & Moon and Glass Mountain are the only areas in the video actually within park boundaries and as you can see, I did not fly a drone there. Sorry I did not clarify. (You can't change a video after it's posted to YT, unfortunately.)

Hartnet Road has been on our list of things to see for a while. But I had no idea how cool it was.

First off, I love Capitol Reef National Park. We go at least once a year, and still have a long list of things to see there. This time, we checked out Upper Muley Twist on day one. Day two, we decided to make the drive on Harnet Road. The main goal was to see the Bentonite Hills. The Bentonite Hills are very similar to the Blue Hills by the Mars Research Station. As you can see, the Bentonite Hills are impressive.

Then, we just continued down the road to see what else we could find. We cut across to go back into Capitol Reef National Park to check out the Temple of the Sun and Temple of the Moon. I didn't realize either of these existed (or even this section of the park) until we were on the road.

BTW, the Bentonite Hills are BLM land and not officially part of the park (hence the drone footage.) Temple of the Moon and Temple of the Sun ARE in the park boundary.

We were on our way out to check out Long Dong Silver (if you Google that, make sure you type "Long Dong Silver Utah", or you won't like what comes up!) when we came across a broken down Jeep. We ended up towing them to the main road and then giving the dude a ride back to his camp (and truck) at Capitol Reef instead of continuing on as planned.

Anyway, cool area. Enjoy the video.

Music By Epidemic Sound:

Driving South - Walt Adams

The Batoidea - Martin Landh

A Sky Behind the Clouds - Polar Nights


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