Ops-Core FAST Bump Helmet System: GSK Review

Описание к видео Ops-Core FAST Bump Helmet System: GSK Review

The New Bump helmet is a pretty significant improvement. With a stiffer shell, it's actually quite akin to that of it's Carbon counterpart. So much so, in fact, that some are wondering if it's worth twice the price for the Carbon when the bump helmet is so impressive. Whenever I can get my hands on a Carbon, I shall let you all know.

The Bump features new PowerPath Arc rails. Upgrading from the Skeleton SF rails, these are a single piece construction; removing the need of a shim. They can still integrate all SF compatible components. Although I forgot to show it, they work very well with the Force on Force Mandible. Cable Management improvements are also great for those who want to run Nods. If you have ever used a skull crusher or night cap, you are probably familiar with a bump helmet being an essential mounting solution to running nods. Nothing else comes close to the comfort and stability.

Lastly, I am a huge fan of the new paint. The old shells were always so slick and had a bit of flex to them. This stiffer set up with more premium paint is very interesting. It's got a lot in common with the Ballistic counterpart. Also 4D upgrade pads are available and make a world of a difference when running nods (or the lid in general).

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*Video edited by: DrkMagic96VA
*Check out her channel!:    / @drkmagic9664  


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