Tutankhamun Has Returned to This World – PSYCHIC INVESTIGATIONS | Paranormal | Scary

Описание к видео Tutankhamun Has Returned to This World – PSYCHIC INVESTIGATIONS | Paranormal | Scary

Psychic Hayal Alekperov has just returned from Egypt. There he had a secret conversation with... the spirit of Tutankhamun himself! This incredible case is featured in PSYCHIC INVESTIGATIONS, a show delving deep into mystery and the paranormal. The ghost from the ancient world asked Khayal for help: he needed to find his beloved Ankhesenamon, this pain has not faded even over the centuries and millennia.

At home, another paranormal mission awaits Hayal: a woman begs for help because she sees a strange, mysterious white silhouette—a ghost that she believes wants her and her children dead. This terrifying story unfolds in PSYCHIC INVESTIGATIONS, blending elements of horror and scary things caught in scary footage. She is convinced that she is being followed by the real ghost of her neighbour who committed suicide. The spirit not only scares her but also terrorises the whole family. Hayal feels that the fratricide has left a terrible mark on this story.

But during the investigation, the spirit of Tutankhamun did not leave the psychics alone and insisted on its own way. This mystical story in PSYCHIC INVESTIGATIONS is filled with haunting parallels from the ancient past, because we all know how cyclical human feelings and sins are, repeating themselves in drama throughout history.
What has long been covered with sand or dust will sooner or later come to life. On PSYCHIC INVESTIGATIONS, these scary stories remind us that some mysteries never rest. This is a story of passionate love that exists beyond time. A story in which love magic was used for conquest and revenge.

Watch more scary videos with paranormal phenomena here:    • The Forgotten Murder – PSYCHIC INVEST...  

#PsychicInvestigations #Paranormal #mystery


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