Sabaton - Livgardet {Northman Cover} {Rhythm Guitar} 100% Accuracy {Please See Details}

Описание к видео Sabaton - Livgardet {Northman Cover} {Rhythm Guitar} 100% Accuracy {Please See Details}

Rocksmith "Flawless Peformance" ... Their words, not mine... I played this one & lost my concentration which caused me to f**k up something easy at the end which I never should have missed... That p****d me off so played it again & fixed the situation.

Pär: "Since 2012 and Carolus Rex, we have been looking forward to writing more songs in Swedish, and we felt that we were not done with the history of our fatherland. Over the past years, we have been discussing around topics until something obvious came up. One of the oldest military regiments in the world, the Swedish Royal Guard (Livgardet), was formed in the Sabaton home region in Sweden, Dalecarlia, in 1521 by the legendary Swedish king Gustav Vasa. For the past 500 years, they have evolved with the times and served under various kings and queens around the world and are still active today. We felt that such an anniversary would be worth a song, and we aimed at writing a respectful tribute, an anthem for this Swedish regiment and its legacy. The rich 500 years of history is, needless to say, extremely hard to fit into one song, and that is why we mainly focused on the parts and battles that happened during the age of the Swedish Empire. We aimed to write a respectful tribute, a powerful anthem, for this Swedish regiment and its remarkable legacy."

Pär: "Our new song, 'The Royal Guard,' is about the great story of one of the oldest military regiments in the world, formed in the area where Sabaton hail from. We are aware that we cannot make the Swedish Empire MKII happen even if we wanted. We had our chance some 300 years ago... But it was amazing to write about Swedish history again after nearly ten years since we wrote Carolus Rex."

Joakim: "Damn, it feels good to be singing in Swedish again!"[6]

Joakim: "It's damn cool to sing in Swedish, but when you sing about Germans and Russians fighting, it's stupid to use a language that no one understands. But this song is about the Swedish Royal Guard, and then it felt logical."

Joakim: "It feels wrong to call it a tribute, but you can say that the song honors a long, military tradition. At the same time, it was difficult to include 500 years of events on a song. The Royal Guards were everywhere, they marched across the Belts and fought with Charles XII during the Skirmish at Bender."

Joakim:"(...) it was actually the Swedish Armed Forces or the Royal Guard themselves that we talked with already early last year (2020 - ed. note) about doing something together for the anniversary. I thought it was a really fantastic idea, I started mentally writing the song when we talked about it, and when we were sent home from Russia due to a certain virus that put me and Chris in two weeks quarantine, we could not come home to our families, it was a lot of things going on back then. So we were quarantined for two weeks and started to write songs, and we had this idea that we wanted to do. (...)"

Joakim: "The first time when you hear the chorus in the intro and the last chorus, it's quite exactly like the melody from the hymn "Härlig är jorden".


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