The Ego and Its Own Part 1: Man (Audiobook)

Описание к видео The Ego and Its Own Part 1: Man (Audiobook)

By Max Stirner

Instead of reading whatever shitter ancap book they recommend at the end read this instead:
All Things are Nothing to Me: Stirner’s Communism - Jacob Blumenfeld
Text-to-speech audiobook:    • All Things are Nothing to Me: Stirner...  

0:00:00 Publisher preface
0:12:31 Introduction
0:19:07 1 A human life
0:34:06 2 Men of the old time and the new
0:34:56 2.1 The ancients
0:57:53 2.2 The moderns
1:06:00 2.2.1 The spirit
1:21:59 2.2.2 The possessed
2:47:17 2.2.3 The hierarchy
4:07:24 2.3 The free
4:08:13 2.3.1 Political liberalism
4:55:45 2.3.2 Social liberalism
5:15:44 2.3.3 Humane liberalism
6:11:31 2.3.4 Postscript

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