[SmartBiz Accelerators] DAEYANG STYROFOAM, producing insulation materials for buildings

Описание к видео [SmartBiz Accelerators] DAEYANG STYROFOAM, producing insulation materials for buildings


DAEYANG STYROFOAM produces insulation materials for buildings which play a significant role for the saving of energy. Expanded polystyrene is an insulation material that is produced by adding a foaming agent to polystyrene. And it is made by implementing a so-called “bead method.” The trapped layer of air can provide enhanced insulation effect. Also, the insulation materials of the company have gained recognition as eco-friendly materials and they have been provided to a wide range of areas, including large apartment complexes, construction sites of public offices as well as flats with shops. We introduce DAEYANG STYROFOAM, which started its business as a small local company and has grown into an enterprise that has gained popularity among major construction companies.

For more information on the company: [email protected]

건축물의 에너지 절약을 좌우하는 단열재 생산기업, ‘대양 스치로폴’

폴리스티렌 수지에 발포제를 첨가한 제품으로 비드법 단열재로도 불린다. 우수한 단열효과를 자랑하고 친환경 인증을 받으며 대형 아파트단지부터 관급 건축현장, 상가주택현장 등 건축물 시공에 널리 사용되고 있다. 지역업체로 시작해 대형 건설사가 먼저 찾는 기업으로 성장한, 대양 스치로폴을 만나본다.

기업에 관한 문의: [email protected]

#대양스치로폴 #스티로폼단열재 #발포폴리스티렌단열재

#DAEYANG_STYROFOAM #expanded_polystyrene #foaming_agent_for_polystyrene #bead_method #insulation_effect #construction_ability #certified_eco_friendly_material #smart_factory #SmartBizAccelerators #ArirangTV #대양스치로폴 #스티로폼단열재 #발포폴리스티렌단열재 #비드법단열재 #우수한단열효과 #뛰어난시공성 #친환경인증획득 #스마트공장 #스마트비즈엑셀러레이터스 #아리랑TV


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