Celebration Of Suffolk Singing - Muusika by Pärt Uusberg. Snape Maltings.

Описание к видео Celebration Of Suffolk Singing - Muusika by Pärt Uusberg. Snape Maltings.

Sung by a small group from the Rabble Chorus community choir. This beautiful poem by Johan Liv was set to music by Pärt Uusberg.

Somewhere there must be the first harmonic sound,
somewhere in the vastness of nature, hidden.
It is in its mighty spread and breadth,
in the distances between galaxies,
it’s in the brilliance of the sun,
in small flowers, in the breezes through forests,
in a mother’s voice speaking the music of the heart, or in the water of tears.
Somewhere there must be immortality.
Somewhere the first harmonic sound exists.
How else into the heart of a person could it have arrived as music?


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