SONGWRITING: Different Keys - Different Moods

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Andrew Wasson of Creative Guitar Studio answers a viewers question...

Q: I read a quote from Mark Knopfler where he states that different keys create different moods. This statement seems interesting. I find myself ending up in A Major, or E Major all the time (and it feels predictable). Can I break this with the moods of different keys? Could you shed some light on how we could use different keys to come up with fresh ideas?
Phillip - Frankfurt, Germany

A: When a musician feels like they're composing music in the same keys and in the same way time after time, the music that they write, (as well as, any inspiration they have to keep composing), will quite often begin feeling very predictable. Obviously, that's not great. As musicians, we need to feel motivated and inspired, otherwise we probably won't have the desire to grab our instruments and compose anything new. This is where songwriting concepts come into play. We need composing strategies to take us into different directions. These might include; using different tonalities, different keys, modes, and perhaps even a capo. Test each of the different strategies covered in this lesson, all of them will make a big difference to how you compose. Enjoy!


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