20 Cheapest Places to Live in the World

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20 Cheapest Places to Live in the World.

There is no doubt that everybody is just trying to do the best they can when it comes to the cost of living these days. It seems like absolutely nothing is cost-effective. Every trip to the grocery store is likely to have you reeling when you go to pay for your purchases. The same is true with practically everything else you might need on a daily basis. Factor in major costs like housing and utilities, and you're likely to find yourself looking for more than a few total strangers to share expenses with, all so you can actually keep a roof over your head. It might also have you doing something else- looking for somewhere else to live that isn’t so expensive.

Here are the 20 cheapest places in the world to live. Even if you’ve never so much as entertained the thought of moving in the past, the current financial market might have you rethinking things. If that’s the case, here are the best places to start looking for a new place. The cost of living listed is calculated based on typically monthly rent for a 1-bedroom apartment, utilities and the average cost of meals for 30 days.

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