Quimbley & the Reconstructive Surgery | HOA | NoPixel 3.0 GTA RP

Описание к видео Quimbley & the Reconstructive Surgery | HOA | NoPixel 3.0 GTA RP

it looked like someone dropped a deli sandwich in a blender. right now its like a soufflé, i cant go near it or else it pops


Additional info:
Everything here follows directly after the Quimbley & the Sweets Promotion: Sergeant Edition video! Despite the quick transition between the house redecoration & the family dinner parts, there's a 1 month gap with d4n1elle taking a break from NoPixel to roleplay on Ignite, Q's in-character break being explained in RP as her trip to Cuba for surgery. After the Family Dinner, she was also gone for another 2 weeks. This is why it might seem like Mercury starts worrying that Q is dead out of nowhere, but it had actually been some time!

Video credits belong to:
Mercury Frost -   / moxier4wr  
W'kabi Aku -   / sharaadrick  
Jerry Sweets -   / lt_custard  
Rod Long -   / beetle  
Quimbley "Q" Hayabusa -   / d4n1elle  
Wade Wilson -   / bythybeard  
Dragon Rush -   / dwagonlvl  
Alex Domino -   / shadiko  
Sean Deane -   / idksean  
Cindy Tipton -   / diewithlivv  
Moosebeard -   / traumz  
Max Muller -   / kinkyhobo  
Johnny Divine -   / jonthebroski  
Nico Kanto -   / hidaruma  
Andi Jones -   / kiva  

Also featuring (in order of appearance):
Izzy Long -   / ladyhope  
Rose Rhodes -   / katec  
Philomena Hawthorne -   / nerdandi  
Mila Smoak -   / superbunneh  
Augusta "Gus" Carlin -   / netsirk  
Neil McReal -   / thelgx  
Patrick Tuna -   / thepitfallover  
Kong Brown -   / asterart  
Sebastian Ableton -   / fairkingtobi  
Yuki Fujiwara -   / marquuiss  
Juno Sweeney -   / saturneighteen  
Gerard "Dewey" Hawthorne -   / striking_fast  
Vladimir Raven -   / lt_raven  
James Randall -   / spaceboy  
Maximillian Angel -   / enevun  
Luis Fernandez -   / spekcypher  
Echo Grey -   / itsjustasummerjob  
Dante Thomas -   / itsjpv_  
Julio Thomas -   / chalupa_pants  
Nick Simone -   / nikez  
SunHee Kim - ?
Jeff MacDonald "Blue Jeff" -   / darkstrykerx5  
Violet Snowe -   / snowe  
Mercy Thompson -   / sinossa  
Chris Kross -   / thebigmeech  
Marvin "Hades" Chunder -   / spiderpigethan  
Tessa Lamb -   / nakkida  
Kaleb "Kleb" Rush -   / bldrs  

Original stream dates on:
April 21, 22, 23, 24, & 25
May 25, & 29
June 7, 8, & 9

0:00:00 - Mercury tells Sweets she knows he put Q in the ICU
0:01:36 - Q calls Merc for a pickup from the hospital
0:03:31 - Rose invites Merc & Q to her bachelorette party
0:10:15 - Merc attends Rose's bachelorette party
0:14:43 - Q tells Rose about her dislocated hip
0:29:33 - Q tells W'Kabi about her dislocated hip
0:31:16 - Wade & Dragon talk about Merc & Q
0:32:56 - Dragon asks Merc about Q's dislocated hip
0:34:25 - Merc tells Sean about Q's dislocated hip
0:36:01 - Sweets had an action figure stuck up his butt
0:38:21 - W'kabi and Yuki talk about Q's dislocated hip
0:39:17 - Q calls Sweets about getting out of the hospital
0:43:51 - Sweets & Q joke about more butt pain
0:44:47 - Q tells Cindy about Sweets putting her in a wheelchair
0:45:22 - Q fixes up the messed up house
0:46:10 - Sweets takes Q to Juno's Family Dinner
0:50:38 - Juno & the Family Dinner
1:05:40 - Juno's Family Dinner moves to the Liquid Library
1:07:48 - Q tells Wade about her reconstructive surgery
1:10:06 - Cops vomit all over the Liquid Library
1:13:03 - Q tells Nico about her reconstructive surgery
1:13:55 - Sweets takes Q home for the night
1:16:59 - Merc hears about Q being around
1:18:46 - Nico tells Sweets he heard about him wrecking Q
1:19:58 - Sweets tells Andi about Q's reconstructive surgery
1:23:50 - Merc yells at Sweets for killing Q
1:25:23 - Sweets tells Rod & Kross about Q's reconstructive surgery
1:26:12 - Q tells Merc & Sean about her reconstructive surgery
1:29:17 - Sweets & Q talk about a consensual sex-death contract
1:35:55 - Q tells Nick & Dragon about her reconstructive surgery & boofing
1:37:15 - Q tells Sean about the consensual sex-death contract

Nopixel 3.0 Grand Theft Auto V Roleplay
#gta #nopixel #roleplay


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