How To Do A Pivot Turn [ Dance Fundamentals Tutorial For Absolute Beginners ]

Описание к видео How To Do A Pivot Turn [ Dance Fundamentals Tutorial For Absolute Beginners ]

Let's learn how to do a pivot turn!

Start with your feet together. Step in front with one foot. Keep both feet in place as you turn away from that front foot to face the back wall (ex. If you step out with your left foot, then you will turn towards your right shoulder to the back wall).

Pick up the back foot and step directly in front of you. Turn over the same shoulder as last time (ex. Again, if you step out with your left foot, then you will turn towards your right shoulder again). You should now be back facing the front.

Repeat on the other side.

NOTE: Notice that if you’re doing pivot turns on (let’s say) the left, you only step on/move that left foot. You start with your feet together, step in front with that left foot, keep your feet in place as you pivot on the balls of your feet to face the back wall, and then pick that left foot up again (now from the back) to step in front and pivot on the balls of your feet again.

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