SOUND | Drs JJ and Desiree Hurtak | Alan Steinfeld New Realities | Common Sentience Sacred Stories

Описание к видео SOUND | Drs JJ and Desiree Hurtak | Alan Steinfeld New Realities | Common Sentience Sacred Stories

🎶 Sound is an integral part of who you are and the larger cosmos. Tune in to a high-vibe discussion as social scientists and futurists Drs. J.J. and Desiree Hurtak discuss with Alan Steinfeld of New Realities their new book SOUND: Profound Experiences with Chanting, Toning, Music and Healing Frequencies!

🎶 Find out how sound is alive in everything. Tune in as they discuss archeo-acoustics, cymatics, music of the spheres, music of the plants, ancient wisdom, linguistics, the spiritual evolution of sound, and more!

SOUND is available from and booksellers worldwide. SOUND is part of the exciting Common Sentience book series!

🎶New Realities    / @newrealities  

🎶 Common Sentience Book Series 🎶
ANIMALS: Personal Tales of Encounters with Spirit Animals by Dr. Steven Farmer
MEDITATION: Intimate Experiences with the Divine through Contemplative Practices by Sister Dr. Jenna
NATURE: Divine Experiences with Trees, Plants, Stones, and Landscapes by Ana Maria Vasquez
ANGELS: Personal Encounters with Divine Beings of Light by Tricia McCannon
GUIDES: Mystical Connections to Soul Guides and Divine Teachers by Marilyn Alauria
ANCESTORS: Divine Remembrances of Lineage, Relations, and Sacred Sites by Mindahi Bastida
SHAMANISM: Personal Quests of Communion with Nature and Creation by Oscar Miro-Quesada
ASCENSION: Divine Stories of Awakening the Whole and Holy Being Within by William Henry
SIGNS: Sacred Encounters with Pathways, Turning Points, and Divine Guideposts by Simran

🎶 Read one or all of the books in our uncommon series . . . and feel the presence of the Divine in and all around you. Go to
for more information.

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