2025 HIGH RAW LIGHTHOUSE programme (consultation): 29th September 2024

Описание к видео 2025 HIGH RAW LIGHTHOUSE programme (consultation): 29th September 2024

Are you a busy health, education or food industry professional?

Do you have personal or professional responsibility for the health of others, be they your family and friends or your patients, students, clients or customers?

Do you frequently find yourself neglecting your own health, and unclear how to shine a light and show the way for those you care for or serve?

Welcome to the 2025 HIGH RAW LIGHTHOUSE programme! My name is Dr Ellen Storm and I am a UK-based medical doctor and the founder of U-Turn Health. I help people like you to leverage the incredible benefits of the low fat, high raw, plant-based (LFHRPB) diet for your own health and wellbeing, and also for those for whom you are a beacon of hope.

When people switch from the standard western to a LFHRPB diet, they say it’s like someone has turned all the lights on. Their brain fog lifts, they have more energy and more mental clarity, their mood is better, they sleep better, their weight stabilises and they have fewer aches and pains. They have better exercise tolerance and they often report that specific conditions they have been struggling with for years go away.

I have called my programme the HIGH RAW LIGHTHOUSE programme because lighthouses show people the way out of danger when they are lost at sea in the dark, and this is a great metaphor for where so many of us are right now in our society in terms of diet and health. When you make the decision to join this programme, it won’t just be for you. It will be for you, and for all those who know you, love you, follow you, listen to you, learn from you, buy your products or services, or in any other way are influenced by you.

In 2025, for the first time, I am offering a year-long, structured professional training and support programme that I have designed specifically to facilitate your personal health transformation, and also to enable you to achieve U-Turn Health foundation level certification. Also in 2025, because it is the first, I am offering this programme at an exceptionally low price in return for your active participation and feedback.

So, together we will explore one major topic and learn one new skill each month. You will receive a video to watch or listen to in your own time and we will meet as a group once a month via Zoom. You will have continuous access to the online forum where you will be able to ask any questions and get support for any issues you may have.

We will also meet once during the year for a three-night residential ‘immersion’. During this time, we will dive deep into the WHAT, HOW and WHY of the low fat, high raw, plant-based diet, and most importantly, generate strategies for success that you can use when you return to your everyday life and that you can share with the other people in it.

What you get (included in the price):

🍑 Membership of U-Turn Health for the whole of 2025. This will give you access to the online member’s forum, which is where we will be discussing all the topics covered on an ongoing basis, and where you will be able to ask questions and get support.

🍑 1 hour-long initial Zoom session with me (Dr Storm) shortly after booking to introduce the programme, clarify your diet and health goals, and set your intention for the year!

🍑 12-unit U-Turn Health Foundation Course delivered direct to your inbox as a monthly video you can watch or listen to in your own time.

🍑 Monthly group get-together via Zoom to discuss that month’s topic, ask any questions you may have and get support for any diet or health problems you may be experiencing.

🍑 3-night residential ‘immersion’ where we will ‘live health’ in every moment (in all its aspects), and take a deep dive into the skills and strategies you need to continue when you get home.

🍑 1 signed copy of my new book, Diseases Have Causes: One Doctor’s Journey with an Apple and a Pen (Book One) (or the eBook if you prefer!).

🍑 Digital copy of the eBook An Introduction to the U-Turn Health Approach (if you don’t have it already!).

🍑 1-hour long closing Zoom session with me (Dr Storm) to reflect on your progress, provide feedback, and identify next steps.

🍑 Foundation course completion certificate.

🍑 Options to progress to the advanced course and/or to the health, education or food provider certification programmes in 2026.

Booking opens on 1st December 2024 and closes on 31st January 2025. After this the group will close to new members and the next intake will be December next year, so grab your place now while you can!


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