21 Days of Marriage Transformation Affirmation (natural bowl sound)

Описание к видео 21 Days of Marriage Transformation Affirmation (natural bowl sound)

This is a 21 Day Marriage Transformation Affirmation that will transform your relationship with your spouse. Affirmations are useful if your marriage is having issues or you simply need to reset. Affirmations can help you and your partner become more bonded and enable your marriage to prosper.

Sometimes, family life can be really busy. Your marriage might not be your top priority when you're juggling kids, chores, work, and other responsibilities.

When you feel that your marriage needs a boost, affirmations are the ideal place to start. You'll be astounded at how speaking aloud your relationship's favorable attributes may lift it out of a funk.

As Muslims, its important that we dont fall into the trap of shaytan and think negatively about our relationship with our spouses.

Jabir reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Verily, Satan places his throne over the water and he sends out his troops. The closest to him in rank are the greatest at causing tribulations. One of them says: I have done this and this. Satan says: You have done nothing. Another one says: I did not leave this man alone until I separated him from his wife. Satan embraces him and he says: You have done well.”

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