How I learned Music for Video Games in a month (You Can Too!) - one hour a day of music challenge!

Описание к видео How I learned Music for Video Games in a month (You Can Too!) - one hour a day of music challenge!

Music is a very important and often neglected aspect when making video games. It ties everything together and adds an immense amount of polish when done correctly. And If you are anything like me, then that last part, the when done correctly part is one of the trickiest parts in all of game development. So to get better at it, I spent an hour a day for the entire month of August learning as much as I could about how to make music for video games. This video documents that whole journey, so if you are a noob looking to get better, then this is the video for you!

Check out the log here:

I started off the journey of learning how to make music for video games by watching some basic music theory videos. This taught me a bunch of stuff about how to make music for beginners like me. I also downloaded a DAW (digital audio workstation) called Reaper. I would be working on making music with Reaper for pretty much the whole month.

I learned a lot of foundational music techniques in this video, and by watching you will become familiar with them. Just a disclaimer though, hearing them mentioned in a 30 minute YouTube video will not make you an expert. Here I just show you what I got up to so you can see all the stuff you need to learn to make music for games.

Some of the basics of music theory I learned about in the challenge were, notes, ADSR (attack, decay sustain, release), scales and keys (major scales and minor scales), sharps vs flats, chords, melodies, the sentence form, the period form, harmony, chord progressions, the circle of fifths, drums, guitars, sleeping, LFOs (low frequency oscillators), and FM synthesis.

If I had more time I would've made some more video game-specific stuff as mentioned in the video referenced on day 28, but I am more than interested in making another video trying to do that in Unity.

0:00 - Intro
0:31 - Days 1-10
13:18 - Days 11-20
21:44 - Days 21-31


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