Objection.lol Sharecodes Showcase Part 26

Описание к видео Objection.lol Sharecodes Showcase Part 26

This is a reminisce to my Part 3 showcase after New Chromedriver ruined the existence of that video. It deserves a redemption and wouldn't have thought of this if it wasn't for @funtimemartin59 so thanks so much for pointing that out, mate. This is also a reference to my last video and it will be weekly considering spritepocalypse, now all of the share codes were reposted but file gardened. Longest video exported, nice.

A video which I made for this week. Same format for everything just like the last video with 99 frames with 2 times exporting due to polishing. Thank you our Lord Jesus Christ for making this happen.

Here is the link for our discord server for all codes!

  / discord  

Anyways, Enjoy the Video!

#objectionlol #aceattorney #gyakutensaiban #SpiritofJustice #DualDestinies #OfficialCharacters #AAI #AAI2 #filegarden #Investigations #Trilogy #HD #DS #customcharacters #People #DLC #Gallery #Defense #Witness #Prosecutor #counsel #counselor #apollojustice #Investigation #AAI #codes #characters #sprites #attorney #transition #speechbubble #shout #objection #courtroom #jury #CC #2D #3D #Nuclear #Miles #Edgeworth #Glasses #Judge #Honor #Phoenix #Wright #Inga #Karkhuul #Hawkohd #Disnahm #Biahni #Lawga #Ormo #Pohmpus #Danit #Aredi #Iz #Khurain #III #Darkthena #Athena #Cykes #AO #Vidya #Sailor #PWvsPL #Maya #Fey #ContemptofCourt #Vex #Vulper #Titus #Krump #Disguise #Winning #Haircut #Winston #Payne #Detective #Renwick #Smith #Charley #Lily #Fey #Plant #Rocco #Carcerato #Young #Vera #Misham #Marvin #Grossberg #Attorney #Anime #Accurate #Gregory #Edgeworth #Counsel #Judy #Executionaire #Wendy #Oldbag #Oldhag #Dick #Gumshoe #Maggey #Byrde #Jacques #Portsman #Buddy #Faith #Police #Officer #Forensics #Visitor #Cammy #Meele #Mini #Chibi #Pack #Alice #Tiny #Bunny #Keith #Stella #Glow #Kaede #Literally #Stock #PNGs #Millicent


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