What is Loh e Mehfooz?| Lohe Mahfooz | Lohe Mahfooz in Quran & Hadees | Islamic stories Urdu & Hindi

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What is Loh e Mehfooz?| Lohe Mahfooz | Lohe Mahfooz in Quran & Hadees | Islamic stories in Urdu & Hindi

In this video
Loh is an Arabic language word which means tablet and Mahfooz is called the one to be protected. When Allah, the Exalted, created the pen and the safe tablet, then Allah, the Exalted, commanded the pen to write. He said to write down all the matters from the beginning to the end of this universe, so the pen wrote down all the matters on the safe tablet according to the order of Allah Ta'ala.

Loh Mahfooz is the tablet in which the destinies of all human beings are written, from the creation of this universe to the annihilation of this universe. All of them are written in this Loh Mahfooz and the Loh Mahfooz is beyond the reach of all creatures, no human or devil can reach it, as is the hadith of Bukhari Sharif that the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said. He said that Allah Almighty has written everything in Loh Mahfooz and created the heavens and the earth and mention of Loh Mahfooz is also found in many places of the Holy Qur'an as Allah Almighty says in Surah Buruj. It is the Qur'an which is written in the Loh Mahfooz from this letter of the Holy Qur'an

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