America's First Ladies: "An Enduring Legacy"

Описание к видео America's First Ladies: "An Enduring Legacy"

As part of the Centennial Celebration for President Gerald R. Ford, we invite you to commemorate Betty Ford's 95th Birthday by attending "America's First Ladies: An Enduring Legacy" with special guests First Lady Barbara Bush (invited), First Lady Laura Bush and Susan Ford Bales.

Although First Ladies are not elected officials, their influence, convening authority, high visibility, and 'soft power' provide them with a unique platform. They use their voices to support issues they care about. The evolving role and influence of First Ladies is a fascinating topic, yet much of their duties remain mysterious to the public. The Legacies of America's First Ladies Conference Series seeks to enlighten and educate diverse audiences about this multi-faceted role. The First Ladies will be joined on stage by the Archivist of the United States, David S. Ferriero.


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