ADLEY GETS ME READY!! Family Morning Routine, Vampire Teeth, and a Beach Day!!

Описание к видео ADLEY GETS ME READY!! Family Morning Routine, Vampire Teeth, and a Beach Day!!

Adley wakes me up!! then chooses my clothes!! then does my before work routine!
Thanks to Dollar Shave Club for sponsoring.. go to:
to get your first starter set for $5!


Best Routine Day Ever 975

I love sleeping in! My bed is so warm and soft, my room is dark and quiet. That is until Adley comes in, turns on the light and shouts “DAD! IT’S TIME TO GET UP!” she and Jenny literally pull me out of bed because they we are going to have a beach day at the lake!! So its time to start the morning routine, but today we’re going to mix things up by having Adley transform into the parent and she’s going to help me get ready.

First she picks out my clothes, a swimsuit and a crazy magic shirt. We then head into then head downstairs for breakfast, were the worlds first cereal baby gets me a bowl of cereal. We then go back upstairs to my bathroom so Adley can help me go through getting ready routine. She gets my box of Dollar Shave Club from under the sink and we get to work, first we brush my teeth and its kind of an adventure having a 3 year old brush your teeth. It’s then time to use the awesome DSC facial wash to wash my face. Adley does a great job washing my face lol! Now normally I would do my hair and shave, but I’m not going to today for two reasons. One, we’re going to the lake and I don’t want to waste the amazing dollar shave club hair stuff when I get in the water and second I really don’t feel safe having Adley shave me haha!! But huge shout our to DSC club for hooking it up, I really love their products, I use it every day.

We then head to the spacestation to grab the crew, order some pizza and head to the lake. But because this was a surprise, not a lot of the guys have swimsuits, so we hit the store really fast before heading to the water! When we get to the beach its amazing! The water feels so good, the whole family is there, Niko gets in the lake for the very first time and it’s just a great time!!

But we have one more surprise for you, Marcos takes over the vlog because he is getting his girlfriend a new car and he’s nice enough to bring us along. It’s super cute and so much fun, I love stuff like this!!

Watch Adley's last video: THE FLOOR IS LAVA CHALLENGE!! at the park with my baby brother lava monster --    • THE FLOOR IS LAVA CHALLENGE!! at the ...  

Watch yesterday's Best Day Ever: EATING BUBBLES!! Backyard filled with bubble makers! (BEST NEW GAME) --    • EATING BUBBLES!! Backyard filled with...  

snag some sweet Spacestation merch ---

Find me on any social media @Shonduras!!

Best Music Ever:

Here's some stuff we use:
Office decked out by our friends at Fully:
Desks -
Chairs -
Gaming Chairs -
Wide Lens:
Zoom Lens:
Cool Longboards:
Sweet Keyboard:

(leave a highfive in the comments if you read this far)


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