How to QUICKLY increase Milk Supply | The 12 MOST EFFECTIVE Ways to NATURALLY increase Milk Supply

Описание к видео How to QUICKLY increase Milk Supply | The 12 MOST EFFECTIVE Ways to NATURALLY increase Milk Supply

Many women fear that they don’t have enough milk to satisfy their baby’s hunger although that’s hardly ever the case. However, if a woman’s milk supply is indeed insufficient, then there are natural ways to quickly increase the milk supply.
So, in this video, Nathalie Kaufmann, Pregnancy & Birth Consultant and TCM Therapist, and Mathias Ritter, Researcher and Science Geek, walk you through the 12 most effective and fastest ways to naturally increase your milk supply.
First, they explain the 3 reasons why women often believe that their milk supply is too low. Then they discuss the 12 most effective ways to naturally boost milk supply. This includes the formula of a tea as well as acupressure points to increase the supply. They also explain what you need to consider when using a breast pump, and how you can increase the amount of milk which you express.
Finally, they also tell you the 3 most important signs to look out for, if you want to know if your baby is feeding well.


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There are 2 ways to use a BREAST PUMP to increase milk supply:
1. Try to continue expressing milk after you have breastfed your baby. It does not matter if your breast is empty at this point. All you do is telling your body that you need more milk!
2. Try to express milk in between the feeds. When you do that, it’s important to make sure that the milk is flowing BEFORE pumping. Otherwise, you could end up pumping for hours to express a decent amount of milk.
In order to establish that flow of milk, you need to increase your Oxytocin levels. The easiest way to do that is to let your baby suckle on your breasts. Another way is bonding with your baby (see below).

8 ways to bond with a baby to maximize Oxytocin:
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25g Lavender Flowers
25g Melissa (Lemon Balm Leaf)
25g Dried St. John´s Wort
25g Tulsi Leaf (Holy Basil)
25g Fennel Seeds
If you cannot find certain ingredients, leave them away!

Mix the ingredients together! Then take 2-3 teaspoons of the mixture and pestle it. Next, put the ingredients into a tea pot and pour 1 liter of hot water over the mixture! Then cover the tea pot and let the tea infuse for 10 min! Finally, strain the tea through a sieve and drink the warm tea as often as you like!



ACGC: Breastfeeding your baby.

Bühring, Ursel, Beiser-Ell, Helga and Girsch, Michaela: Heilpflanzen für Kinder: Gesundheit aus der Natur. 2015 Eugen Ulmer KG.

Donna Murray, RN, BSN (2020): Naturally Increasing Your Breast Milk Supply.

WHO (2021): Infant and young child feeding.


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We do our best to provide accurate general information. However, the information in this video, including the information in the video description, as well as the information that we may provide in our comments as response to any questions that we may receive from our viewers, is not intended to and does not substitute any kind of professional advice and you should not rely solely on this information. Always consult a medical or health professional for your particular needs and for your particular case before making any medical or health-related decisions and before you apply anything that we mention in this video, in the video description or in our comments. All kinds of exercises and dietary changes are potentially dangerous, and those who do not seek counsel from the appropriate health care authority assume the liability of any injury which may occur.
If you or your child suffer from health-related problems or if you have any questions related to your own health and / or the health of your baby, please seek the advice of a qualified health care provider immediately!

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