Why kids cough at night ?!🤧

Описание к видео Why kids cough at night ?!🤧

At night, children often experience increased coughing due to airway narrowing that typically occurs late at night and early in the morning.
This narrowing can result from factors such as lying down, increased mucus production, or changes in airway temperature and humidity.
The body’s natural circadian rhythm can also affect airway constriction during these times.

Medications and nebulization treatments help by opening up the airways, making it easier for the child to breathe.
These treatments can loosen mucus, which may lead to coughing and, in some cases, vomiting as the body attempts to clear out phlegm from the respiratory tract. This helps relieve congestion and improves breathing.#cough #nocturnal #airway #breathing #mucus #wheezing #nebulization #medication


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