[2022.9.24] 「0+3」入境免隔離 通關內地遙遙無期 (CC 中文字幕) Customs Clearance in the Mainland is far away

Описание к видео [2022.9.24] 「0+3」入境免隔離 通關內地遙遙無期 (CC 中文字幕) Customs Clearance in the Mainland is far away

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In recently, many tourists travel in Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Thailand and many other places. Business sector states business crisis has been over the virus crisis. Scholars and others believe that new measures cannot attract tourists to Hong Kong. In addition, the customs clearance with the Mainland will not be open, and the economy is still wprst and worst.

#入境免隔離 #放寬檢疫 #香港政府 #0+3


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