High School Week (What It's Like to be a Camp Counselor)

Описание к видео High School Week (What It's Like to be a Camp Counselor)

Wowza, longest vlog yet, but couldn't shorten it anymore because there was just so much to do! This was my 2nd time being photographer this summer and it's so fun! If you want to see just a few of the pics I've taken this summer go follow my instagram @micah.cate.photography! There's four weeks left of camp (counting this one), but I'll only be here for three of them and so these vlogs are slowly coming to a close! I'm on lifeguard this week so i have 2 more chances to get a cabin before camp ends! We shall see! Do people even read descriptions? I don't know, they're definitely not what they used to be, but if you are reading this, comment below some video requests you'd like to see from me in the fall!


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