EPIC low tide shell hunting!

Описание к видео EPIC low tide shell hunting!

Another trip down to the coast for the February King Tides. We had some epic and rare finds. Come along and see.

If you want to learn even more about Abalone, here is an excellent little pocket book here*: https://amzn.to/3O9uIWh

And a full accounting of their biology, natural history, and current population and conservation efforts here*: https://amzn.to/3U1mvHp

And here are some great folks working toward abalone recovery:
Get Inspired Inc, a non-profit working to restore kelp forests, abalone, and pismo clam populations in SoCal: https://getinspiredinc.org/
UC Davis Bodega Marine Lab, working to breed and repopulate white abalone (the most critically-endangered subspecies): https://marinescience.ucdavis.edu/res...

Some aquaculture folks who working to farm abalone, which helps relieve pressure on the species but also helping to breed and raising stocks for repopulation.

*This channel uses Amazon Affiliate Links


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