Veritas Vindicat (Symphonic Metal)

Описание к видео Veritas Vindicat (Symphonic Metal)

In the realm of Aurelyon, "Veritas Vindicat" is more than a song; it's a prayer to Veritas, the Seeker of Truth and daughter of Sol Invictus. This track is a heartfelt plea from her priesthood, asking for her blessings of clarity and guidance. The lyrics paint a vivid picture of Veritas's unwavering quest to uncover lies and deceit, highlighting her role as a beacon of truth in a world shrouded in darkness.

Veritas embodies: Truth, Justice, Wisdom, Clarity, Knowledge, Revelation (see D&D stat block below)

In the realm where falsehood reigns
Break the chains, cleanse the stains

In lumine veritatis
The Seeker of Truth arises
A power so just and wise
To vanquish all the Enemy's lies

Veritas, hear our plea
Bless us with your clarity
Guide us through the darkest night (night)
With the truth as our guiding light (light)

In tenebris maleficarum
The Seeker's holy wrath shall come
Her sword of justice will shine (shine)
And banish all deceitful designs (designs)

Veritas, unveil the lies
Grant us wisdom through your eyes
Lead us where deception ends
Truth's unwavering light transcends

Veritas guides me
Truth is my decree
Justice, my beacon
Knowledge, my weapon

Veritas, hear our plea
Bless us with your clarity
Veritas, unveil the lies
Grant us wisdom through your eyes

Veritas, unveil the lies
Grant us wisdom through your eyes
Veritas, so just and wise
Will shine light on deceit and lies

Music made with the help of Udio, Pictures made with the help of Dalle 3

Themes, characters, stories, video/picture edits, sound edits, remixes and composition are mine and not AI generated.


Bonus - D&D Stat Block

Veritas, The Seeker of Truth
Greater Deity

Domains: Knowledge, Light, Life
Alignment: Lawful Good
Symbol: A radiant sunburst surrounded by an open eye
Cleric Domains: Knowledge, Light, Life

Avatar of Truth: Veritas can manifest as a radiant figure, inspiring awe and reverence. She can appear in dreams and visions to impart wisdom and guidance to her followers. Adorned with the crown of the sun and wielding either a longsword or a long spear, she stands as a radiant symbol of light and justice, embodying the very essence of truth. As a goddess of Truth, Veritas sometimes holds a scale to symbolize the weighing of truths and falsehoods, ensuring that justice is served impartially. She sometimes holds the shield, which symbolizes her role in shielding her followers from deceit and falsehoods, providing them with a barrier of truth to stand behind.

Divine Traits:

Divine Awareness: Veritas is aware of everything happening within her sphere of influence.
Divine Presence: Creatures of her choosing within 120 feet have advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened.
Divine Resistance: Veritas has immunity to radiant damage and resistance to necrotic damage.
Divine Form: Veritas can assume a form that resembles a being of pure radiant energy, granting her immunity to non-magical damage.
Divine Actions:

Truth's Gaze (3/day) Veritas can target a creature within 60 feet with her gaze, forcing them to make a Wisdom saving throw or be compelled to speak the truth for a limited time.
Radiant Judgment (1/day): Veritas can release a burst of radiant energy in a 90-foot radius, causing radiant damage to all enemies within range and blinding them for 1 minute (Constitution saving throw for half damage and no blindness). Additionally, all illusions are dispelled.

Divine Abilities:

Eyes of Truth: Veritas can see through illusions and perceive the true nature of things.
Guiding Light: Veritas can guide her followers to safety or to important truths, granting them advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks or Intelligence (Investigation) checks.
Healing Touch: Veritas can heal wounds and cure diseases with a touch, restoring them to full health.

Divine Intervention: Once per week, Veritas can intervene in the mortal realm in a significant way, as determined by the DM.
Eyes of Truth (Divine Boon): Veritas can grant a follower her Eyes of Truth permanently or under conditions of her choosing.

Crown of the Sun
Major Artifact (Requires Attunement by a creature of good alignment)

Sheds bright light in a 120-ft radius, dim light for an additional 60 ft.
Advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks.
Can cast sunbeam (DC 22) three times per day.

Veritas's Radiance (Divine Weapon - long spear or longsword)
Major Artifact (Requires Attunement by a creature of good alignment)

Deals an extra 3d6 radiant damage.
Advantage on saves against being charmed or frightened.
Can create a 30-ft aura of truth (like zone of truth) once per day.

... more to come


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