Brendan Ingle - The Ingle Way Documentary

Описание к видео Brendan Ingle - The Ingle Way Documentary

As soon as you walk up the steps into his famous gym in the Wincobank area of Sheffield, you are immediately struck by the yellow lines and red circles painted onto the floor, the sparring ring at the far end and the intimacy of the place.

This is where Ingle manufactured four world champions - Naseem Hamed, Johnny Nelson, Kell Brook and Junior Witter, the last of whom said he was "heartbroken" by the news Ingle had died at the age of 77.

But it is also where six-year-old kids were taught lessons for life, where teenagers were knocked into shape by picking up litter on the streets outside, and where even sports ministers came for advice.

The St Thomas' Boys and Girls Club was and is a place they felt at home.

"He's a legend, an institution in Sheffield," says former sports minister Richard Caborn. "He was such a brilliant communicator with young people. Young people respected him and he respected young people.

"There are many stories about the Wincobank gym, where people used to go with sawn-off shotguns and all sorts. People who have been in prison and he's brought them back on the straight and narrow. He's had a fantastic and full life and one that has made a massive contribution to sport and beyond


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