P!nk - Just Give Me a Reason (Lyrics)

Описание к видео P!nk - Just Give Me a Reason (Lyrics)

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©️If 𝐚ny 𝐩roducer 𝐨r 𝐥abel 𝐡as 𝐬n 𝐢ssue 𝐰ith 𝐭his 𝐬ong 𝐨r 𝐩icture, 𝐩lease 𝐠et 𝐢n 𝐜ontact 𝐰ith 𝐮s 𝐚nd 𝐰e 𝐰ill 𝐝elete 𝐢t 𝐢mmediately.

P!nk - 𝐉ust 𝐆ive 𝐌e 𝐚 𝐑eason (Lyrics):

Right 𝐟rom 𝐭he 𝐬tart
You 𝐰ere 𝐚 𝐭hief, 𝐲ou 𝐬tole 𝐦y 𝐡eart
And 𝐈 𝐲our 𝐰illing 𝐯ictim
I 𝐥et 𝐲ou 𝐬ee 𝐭he 𝐩arts 𝐨f 𝐦e, 𝐭hat 𝐰eren't 𝐚ll 𝐭hat 𝐩retty
And 𝐰ith 𝐞very 𝐭ouch 𝐲ou 𝐟ixed 𝐭hem
Now 𝐲ou've 𝐛een 𝐭alking 𝐢n 𝐲our 𝐬leep 𝐨h 𝐨h
Things 𝐲ou 𝐧ever 𝐬ay 𝐭o 𝐦e 𝐨h 𝐨h
Tell 𝐦e 𝐭hat 𝐲ou've 𝐡ad 𝐞nough
Of 𝐨ur 𝐥ove, 𝐨ur 𝐥ove
Just 𝐠ive 𝐦e 𝐚 𝐫eason, 𝐣ust 𝐚 𝐥ittle 𝐛it's 𝐞nough
Just 𝐚 𝐬econd 𝐰e're 𝐧ot 𝐛roken 𝐣ust 𝐛ent, 𝐚nd 𝐰e 𝐜an 𝐥earn 𝐭o 𝐥ove 𝐚gain
It's 𝐢n 𝐭he 𝐬tars, 𝐢t's 𝐛een 𝐰ritten 𝐢n 𝐭he 𝐬cars 𝐨n 𝐨ur 𝐡earts
We're 𝐧ot 𝐛roken 𝐣ust 𝐛ent, 𝐚nd 𝐰e 𝐜an 𝐥earn 𝐭o 𝐥ove 𝐚gain
I'm 𝐬orry 𝐈 𝐝on't 𝐮nderstand
Where 𝐚ll 𝐨f 𝐭his 𝐢s 𝐜oming 𝐟rom
I 𝐭hought 𝐭hat 𝐰e 𝐰ere 𝐟ine (Oh 𝐰e 𝐡ad 𝐞verything)
Your 𝐡ead 𝐢s 𝐫unning 𝐰ild 𝐚gain
My 𝐝ear 𝐰e 𝐬till 𝐡ave 𝐞verythin'
And 𝐢t's 𝐚ll 𝐢n 𝐲our 𝐦ind (Yeah 𝐛ut 𝐭his 𝐢s 𝐡appenin')
You've 𝐛een 𝐡avin' 𝐫eal 𝐛ad 𝐝reams 𝐨h 𝐨h
You 𝐮sed 𝐭o 𝐥ie 𝐬o 𝐜lose 𝐭o 𝐦e 𝐨h 𝐨h
There's 𝐧othing 𝐦ore 𝐭han 𝐞mpty 𝐬heets 𝐛etween 𝐨ur 𝐥ove, 𝐨ur 𝐥ove
Oh 𝐨ur 𝐥ove, 𝐨ur 𝐥ove
Just 𝐠ive 𝐦e 𝐚 𝐫eason, 𝐣ust 𝐚 𝐥ittle 𝐛it's 𝐞nough
Just 𝐚 𝐬econd 𝐰e're 𝐧ot 𝐛roken 𝐣ust 𝐛ent 𝐚nd 𝐰e 𝐜an 𝐥earn 𝐭o 𝐥ove 𝐚gain
I 𝐧ever 𝐬top, 𝐲ou're 𝐬till 𝐰ritten 𝐢n 𝐭he 𝐬cars 𝐨n 𝐦y 𝐡eart
You're 𝐧ot 𝐛roken 𝐣ust 𝐛ent 𝐚nd 𝐰e 𝐜an 𝐥earn 𝐭o 𝐥ove 𝐚gain
Oh 𝐭ear 𝐝ucts 𝐚nd 𝐫ust
I'll 𝐟ix 𝐢t 𝐟or 𝐮s
We're 𝐜ollecting 𝐝ust, 𝐛ut 𝐨ur 𝐥ove's 𝐞nough
You're 𝐡olding 𝐢t 𝐢n
You're 𝐩ouring 𝐚 𝐝rink
No 𝐧othing 𝐢s 𝐚s 𝐛ad 𝐚s 𝐢t 𝐬eems
We'll 𝐜ome 𝐜lean
Just 𝐠ive 𝐦e 𝐚 𝐫eason 𝐣ust 𝐚 𝐥ittle 𝐛it's 𝐞nough
Just 𝐚 𝐬econd 𝐰e're 𝐧ot 𝐛roken 𝐣ust 𝐛ent 𝐚nd 𝐰e 𝐜an 𝐥earn 𝐭o 𝐥ove 𝐚gain
It's 𝐢n 𝐭he 𝐬tars, 𝐢t's 𝐛een 𝐰ritten 𝐢n 𝐭he 𝐬cars 𝐨n 𝐨ur 𝐡earts
That 𝐰e're 𝐧ot 𝐛roken 𝐣ust 𝐛ent 𝐚nd 𝐰e 𝐜an 𝐥earn 𝐭o 𝐥ove 𝐚gain
Just 𝐠ive 𝐦e 𝐚 𝐫eason, 𝐣ust 𝐚 𝐥ittle 𝐛it's 𝐞nough
Just 𝐚 𝐬econd 𝐰e're 𝐧ot 𝐛roken 𝐣ust 𝐛ent, 𝐚nd 𝐰e 𝐜an 𝐥earn 𝐭o 𝐥ove 𝐚gain
It's 𝐢n 𝐭he 𝐬tars, 𝐢t's 𝐛een 𝐰ritten 𝐢n 𝐭he 𝐬cars 𝐨n 𝐨ur 𝐡earts
That 𝐰e're 𝐧ot 𝐛roken 𝐣ust 𝐛ent, 𝐚nd 𝐰e 𝐜an 𝐥earn 𝐭o 𝐥ove 𝐚gain
Oh 𝐰e 𝐜an 𝐥earn 𝐭o 𝐥ove 𝐚gain
Oh 𝐰e 𝐜an 𝐥earn 𝐭o 𝐥ove 𝐚gain 𝐨h 𝐨h
Oh 𝐭hat 𝐰e're 𝐧ot 𝐛roken 𝐣ust 𝐛ent 𝐚nd 𝐰e 𝐜an 𝐥earn 𝐭o 𝐥ove 𝐚gain

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