Periodic table quick run through with visual examples - music by Jesse Gallagher -

Описание к видео Periodic table quick run through with visual examples - music by Jesse Gallagher -

For a really close look at the examples, I suggest slowing the video to half-speed playback.

Hydrogen: Water, Tritium container
Helium: Helium sign
Lithium: Lemon soda with lithium salt, Lithium grease, Battery
Beryllium: Beryllium copper alloy golf club end
Boron: Lipstick, Boron ointment, Boron grease
Carbon: Synthetic diamonds, Pencil lead, Graphite sheet, Coal, Charcoal
Nitrogen: Ammonia, Lotion, Antique cleaner
Oxygen: Oxygen power, Oxygen breather
Fluorine: Lucite cube with pure fluorine, Toothpaste, Teflon
Neon: Neon light
Sodium: Salt, Sodium mist light
Magnesium: Fire starter, Alkaline medicine, Milk of magnesia
Aluminium: Coins, Nivea
Silicon: Computer chips, Silicone (Rubber)
Phosphorus: Phosphorus pills, other phosphorus medicine
Sulphur: Pyrite, Ointment of sulphur, Sulphur medicine
Chlorine: Chlorine pipe, Table salt, Pool chlorine
Argon: Argon sign
Potassium: Potassium salt
Calcium: Chalk, Mushrooms
Scandium: Scandium bicycle part, Scandium mist light
Titanium: Titanium oil, Titanium oxide, Titanium coin
Vanadium: Vanadium tool parts, Pure vanadium
Chromium: Radio part, Tiny chromium rock, Plated spoon
Manganese: Eco manganese, Manganese coins
Iron: All kinds of stuff!
Cobalt: Cobalt glass, Cobalt paint, Drill bits
Nickel: Cuffs, Nickel compounds, Nickel coins
Copper: Pennies, Wires, Copper nails
Zinc: Zinc screws, Zinc ointments
Gallium: Gallium alloy thermometer, LED
Germanium: Germanium radio, Diodes
Arsenic: Arsenic wallpaper, Pure arsenic, Paris green
Selenium: Shampoo, Photocopier parts
Bromine: Bromine spa water powder, Bromine treated clothes, Spa water
Krypton: Krypton lights
Rubidium: Rubidium cell
Strontium: Toothpaste for weak teeth, Strontium glowing powder
Yttrium: Spark plug added yttrium, Electrodes
Zirconium: LED, Zircon disk, Chemical pipe tube, Zirconium wool bulb
Niobium: Niobium fire starter, Niobium bricks, Niobium coins
Molybdenum: Plated screw, Molybdenum powder traces, coins, grease
Technetium: Technetium printed scan of hand in a technetium C.T scan machine
Ruthenium: Ruthenium ring, Ruthenium component
Rhodium: Rhodium power, Mirror, Rhode-plated jewel
Palladium: Palladium foil
Silver: Coins, Shampoo, Bromine film, Silver beads
Cadmium: Circuit board, Components
Indium: Cube of soft indium, Nokia screen, Indium doped glass, Indium sheet, Indium rings
Tin: Tin mirror, Tin soldiers
Antimony: Antimony pottery
Tellurium: Tellurium oxide coating
Iodine: Tincture of iodine, Throat tablets
Xenon: Xenon sign
Caesium: Caesium ore, Pure caesium
Barium: Barium swallowing solution, X-ray, Tube of barium, Bottle of barium, Container of barium, Vacuum tube, Barium ore, Barium spark plug

Lanthanum: Tiny lanthanum pieces in a bowl, Lanthanum rock, Lanthanum in a tube

Cerium: Fire starter, Laser containing cerium

Praseodymium: Praseodymium blade, Praseodymium doped glasses, Pure praseodymium, Praseodymium green
Neodymium: Earphones, Speakers, Magnets
Europium: Pure europium, Europium light
Gadolinium: Gadolinium magnet,
Terbium: Terbium surgery part, Pure terbium, Terbium ore,
Dysprosium: Motherboard disk, Pure dysprosium
Holmium: Tube with holmium
Erbium: Erbium glass, Erbium glass cylinders, Erbium glass beads, Erbium in a tube



Lutetium: Lutetium magnet

Hafnium: Hafnium spot in the copper, Pure hafnium

Tantalum: Tantalum sheet, Tantalum ore, Tantalum compounds, Tantalum powder, Components, Tantalum bowl

Tungsten: Tungsten ore, Bulb, Pure tungsten, Tungsten cylinder

Rhenium: Rhenium beads, Rhenium dart, Rhenium wool, Rhenium ore, Rhenium compound, Rhenium cylinder

Osmium: Red osmium, Photography needles, Osmium beads

Iridium: Iridium rock, Iridium beads, Iridium spark plug

Platinum: Platinum speaker beads thingy, Platinum foil, Platinum coin, Platinum sheet, Spark plug

Gold: Gold foil, Gold bullion, Gold coin, Gold compound, Gold component, Gold sheet, Gold ore

Mercury: Mercury ore, Thermometer, Pure mercury

Thallium: Pure thallium, Antique rat poison

Lead: Lead sheet, Lead bullets, Lead balls, Lead beads, Lead crystals, Lead ore, Pure lead, Lead blocks

Bismuth: Pure bismuth, Bismuth crystals

Polonium: Decayed polonium spark plug, Anti-static brush


Radon: Granite that produces radon, Radon gas detector, Radon granite picture in Lucite cube, Thorium dioxide that decays into radon


Radium: Radium watch picture in Lucite cube


Thorium: Thorium picture in Lucite cube, Thorium mantle


Uranium: Uranium picture in Lucite cube, Uranium beads


Plutonium: Pure plutonium, Plutonium picture in Lucite cube

Americium: Smoke detector

























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